TRESA Phase 1 was completed in October 2020 and those changes are reflected in all course materials within the Real Estate Education Programs.
A Quarterly Newsletter for the Real Estate Education Program | WINTER 2024 Edition
Welcome to Open House, the Real Estate Education Program Newsletter
Happy New Year
The Real Estate Education Program team wishes you a Happy New Year.
May 2024 bring you abundant opportunities for growth, success, and fulfillment in your journey through the real estate education program at Humber College. As you embark on new challenges and adventures, may you find joy in every accomplishment and strength in every obstacle. Here's to a Happy New Year that unfolds with endless possibilities, exciting experiences, and the realization of your goals.
What are learners saying about Facilitated Review Sessions (FRS)?
“The content was great and I liked following along with my booklet, as well as talking in small groups and with the facilitator.”
“I liked being able to openly discuss real life scenarios with our facilitator. When I am able to relate to an experience, I personally learn/understand the content better!”
“I am much more confident in the material.”

What are Facilitated Review Sessions (FRS)?
FRS are an optional component of the Real Estate Salesperson Program for learners who are looking for a live and interactive guided review of complex topics of study within Courses 2, 3 and/or 4. FRS are now offered as stand-alone sessions, separate from the eLearning courses. Learners can choose from a variety of scheduling options including weekends, and evenings.
ENROLL BEFORE JANUARY 31st to take advantage of the Facilitated Review Sessions (FRS) Flex Offer (20% off) Courses 2, 3, or 4 available January, February or March 2024.
When looking for additional guidance and review of course concepts and topics, FRS is a great way to solidify your eLearning understanding and assist you when you are preparing for upcoming courses and/or exams.
The FRS Flex Offer is valid until January 31st, 2024.
To learn more about FRS and how it may meet your needs please visit FRS Learner Resources.

Get Support With Course Content When You Need It – Real Estate Facilitators are Here to Help!
Content Support Desk (CSD) facilitators are available from Monday to Saturday to help you with course content, concepts and/or topics.
Call 416-675-5025; select option 6 or 1-888-626-3090
Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 8:30 pm and Saturday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
In the event a CSD facilitator is unavailable, please leave a voicemail message including the following:
Your name, learner ID#, and phone number
What day/time you would prefer to have the facilitator return your call
The course/module/lesson/page number that your question(s) pertain to
At Humber College, your success is our priority. If you require additional support, please start with Learner Resources and/or FAQs. This will help you identify the level of support you require and refer you to the right person or service to support your needs.
Understanding Your Exam Report
After completing an exam, you can access your Exam Report to help identify areas in which may need additional understanding before proceeding to your next course or rewrite of your exam.
To access your exam report please take a moment to review the instructional video above:
The Exam Report will outline Modules, Lessons or Sim day topics that at least one (1) question was answered incorrectly.
Learners are encouraged to prepare a study plan that aligns with the exam report, focusing on areas of improvement (Modules and Lessons; Sim Days, Topics) — this is a very important step, as it allows for a focused review of the relevant eLearning components (Modules and Lessons):
When reviewing the Exam Report, which module(s) had the greatest number of topics that were answered incorrectly? As a reminder, exam report topics only identify that at least one (1) question was answered incorrectly. The module(s) with the most topics may be a priority for you to focus on first:
• If you have been unsuccessful multiple times on the same exam, you can prepare a study plan based on all your exam reports for that exam. This will help you identify which module(s) you had the most challenge with.
• As you prepare your study plan using the Exam Report(s), you can identify which modules, lessons, or days topics where you may need additional support from a Content Support Desk (CSD) facilitator.
You can reach out to CSD facilitators with specific questions based on your study plan identifying which areas you need additional support. CSD facilitators are here to help.
In-person Test Centers
Learners who wish to write their exams/assessments in-person have a growing number of Test Centres across the province from which to choose.
Humber College - Etobicoke, Ontario
Confederation College - Thunder Bay, Ontario
Fanshawe College - London, Ontario
Conestoga College - Kitchener, Ontario
Algonquin College - Ottawa, Ontario
Mohawk College - Hamilton, Ontario
Durham College - Whitby, Ontario
Loyalist College - Belleville, Ontario
St. Clair College - Windsor, Ontario
Cambrian College - Sudbury, Ontario
Georgian College - Barrie Campus
Georgian College - Orillia Campus
TRESA Information
For the most recent communications related to TRESA updates, please consult the “News” section of the Real Estate Education Program webpage: TRESA Updates - Humber College
The most recent communication, December 1st, 2023, reminded learners that Phase 2 of the Trust in Real Estate Services Act (TRESA) is in effect.
As a reminder related to TRESA Phase 2 updates, please note:
You will not be tested on TRESA Phase 2 changes in the Real Estate Salesperson or Broker Program exams at this time.
The Real Estate Salesperson Program and Real Estate Broker Program exams/assessments reflect current course content. No TRESA Phase 2 updates have been made to the eLearning modules.
TRESA Phase 2 changes will be implemented in course content at a later date (spring 2024), exact date to be determined.
IMPORTANT: The TRESA Phase 2 update links (red button) in the eLearning modules are for information purposes only.
Humber will notify learners in advance when exams/assessments change to reflect the TRESA Phase 2 updates. To avoid any interruptions or complications to your studies, notifications will also provide the exact date when each change is scheduled to come into effect.
We have added frequently asked questions (FAQs) to the “TRESA Updates” section of our website. For your information, we have included these FAQs below.
Examples of these changes include the permitted use of Personal Real Estate Corporations (PRC), amendments to the Code of Ethics to permit the use of new terms to describe a salesperson and a broker, such as REALTOR and real estate agent.
TRESA Phase 2 changes focus on multiple representation and designated representation, self-representation, open offer process, written agreements and disclosures, new consumer information guide, code of ethics and RECO’s discipline process.
Implementation of TRESA Phase 2 updates into Real Estate Education Program curriculum is expected to take place at a later date in 2024. Learners should continue to study and learn current materials. Humber will notify learners when each course and associated examination will be updated with TRESA Phase 2 changes. To avoid any interruptions or complications to learner studies, notifications will also provide the exact date when each change is scheduled to come into effect.
The TRESA Phase 2 updates into the Pre-Registration Phase of the Real Estate Salesperson Program and the Real Estate Broker Program curriculum will take place at a later date in 2024. At that time, the exams will also be updated to include TRESA Phase 2 changes. Until that time, learners should learn current course materials to prepare for their exams.
Since no changes will be made to the Pre-Registration phase of the Real Estate Salesperson program until a later date in 2024, Pre-Registration phase learners should continue to study and learn current materials. Learners, however, will learn about TRESA Phase 2 changes in the Post-Registration: Compliance eLearning course as of December 1, 2023. RECO’s Introduction to TRESA modules (10 modules) have been added to the course. These TRESA modules will take learners approximately three hours to complete.
The Introduction to TRESA modules is designed to help understand the key changes in the legislation — what they are, how they impact the day-to-day activities of real estate agents, and what they need to do differently to comply with the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA) and the regulations. It will cover topics including how the consumer relationships and interactions with brokerages under TRESA differs from consumer relationships under Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA), brokerage representation and designated representation options, new mandatory documents, new requirements for disclosures, consents, and acknowledgements, and the provisions of the new Code of Ethics regulation.
Learners who have completed the Post-Registration: Compliance eLearning course can take the non-credit version of RECO’s Introduction to TRESA modules on the RECO public website. Please visit the RECO website for more information.
TRESA updates or changes to the Real Estate Education Program curriculum will not be made at this time. Hence learners should continue to study and learn current materials. Humber will provide learners with advance notice of when courses and exams will be updated to reflect TRESA Phase 2 changes. Learners in the Post-Registration Phase of the Real Estate Salesperson Program will learn about TRESA Phase 2 changes in the Post-Registration: Compliance eLearning course, effective December 1, 2023. Learners in the Real Estate Broker Program will receive instructions on how to access the TRESA modules through RECO’s Continuing Education (CE) offerings. Please visit the RECO website for more information.
We Want to Hear from You!
No matter where you are in the Real Estate Education Programs, congratulations on how far you’ve gone in your journey to becoming a real estate salesperson or broker in Ontario.
Your learning experiences are essential to improving the Real Estate Education Program. The Real Estate Education Program Office wants to hear from you about you experiences in your courses, FRS, simulation sessions, exams, with facilitators and the program as a whole.
Click the button below to download our Testimonial PDF and share your learner feedback. This is a great way for you to let us know how you’ve enjoyed the program so far or how we can grow in the future.
Once you’ve downloaded, please send your completed testimonial to:

Stay Connected!

Find Answers Fast!
Check out our full listing of FAQs for answers to questions regarding the Real Estate Education program, application process, courses, exams and virtual proctoring.

Do you have Questions?
If you have any questions, please contact the Real Estate Education Support Line at (416) 675-5025 or 1-888-626-3090 (toll-free). You can also send us an email at

Looking for eLearning Support?
Contact our Content Support Desk (CSD) Facilitators at 416-675-5025 or 1-888-626-3090 (toll-free); select option 6
Hours of Operation:
• Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 8:30 pm and
• Saturdays 8:30 am - 5:00 pm